Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ladies Who Brunch

So, this is not nearly as exciting as Ellie's celebrity encounter that I discussed yesterday, but a little over a week ago we took Ellie to a restaurant for the first time.

It's kind of hard to believe that we made it over seven months without ever taking Ellie to a restaurant. Sure, we took her to fast food places and dined al fresco (for an easy getaway in case of a meltdown) a couple of times. The reason for this is that Ellie went through a very long phase where she wanted to be held, but never in your lap as you sat. Nope, she wanted to be carried, bounced, whatever - but you had to be upright. Sitting on your part meant screaming on her part. This was not exactly a recipe for a successful restaurant outing. For a long time we thought she might be okay for part of the meal, but the idea of sitting, placing an order, waiting for food, eating, then waiting for and paying the bill would be a disaster with my...uh...outspoken baby.

But lately, she has been a lot better, and loves to just sit and play and examine things around her. So, we bit the bullet and decided to go to brunch.

And she was awesome. She sat happily in my lap until the food came, playing with her toys and trying to grab all the cool stuff on the table that she had never seen before. When the food came, she sat in a high chair and munched on some apple slices in her mesh feeder, happy (and quiet) as a clam. Meanwhile, her mama and daddy enjoyed a delicious breakfast and a couple of mimosas.

Ellie's first meal in a restaurant!

Out at a restaurant! Like real people!

I realize this is probably not super exciting to anyone but us, but Eric and I both felt invigorated after this successful restaurant meal. It was the idea that maybe we do have the freedom to do things like go out to eat sometimes again now. Maybe the reign of the Hold-Me-Or-Else baby terrorist is over, or at least we're getting a little reprieve. We felt like real adults who could go out and enjoy a nice meal. And she just looked so cute in that high chair!

My kid is awesome.

1 comment:

jessica said...

Go Ellie!! :) That's so exciting and your brunch looks amazing!

We used to take V as a baby all the time because she would just sleep in her car seat but now she hates restaurant high chairs and will only sit for a few minutes at a time so we avoid it altogether. One day we'll rejoin the real people at restaurants! haha