Friday, May 1, 2015

Bedtime Prayers

We have followed the same bedtime routine with Ellie for some time now: after the teeth are brushed, pajamas donned, and so on, Ellie climbs into bed and Eric and I pray the Lord's Prayer with her. Then, we sing "Be Near Me Lord Jesus," which is the last verse of "Away in the Manger" and the prayer my parents sang with me before bed when I was a girl. Then Eric gives her a "smooch" and leaves, while I stay behind and sing "You Are My Sunshine."

I have known Ellie knows the words to "You Are My Sunshine" for a long time now, and she should, as I have been singing it to her since before she was born. Sometimes, she even sings it to E.J.

But it dawned on me a few weeks ago that with the nightly repetition, she probably knows our prayers, too.

So, Eric and I tested it out and said our prayers responsively one night. We would say the beginning of a phrase, then pause for her to finish it. And finish it she did, correctly, every time. Even the big words like "trespasses" and "temptation."

The sound of Ellie's sweet voice reciting the Lord's Prayer brings so much joy to my heart.

VIDEO: Ellie prays the Lord's Prayer (note: there is no picture. It was dark in her room so the video is just black!)
***If you cannot see play the above video, click here to watch it on YouTube***

And then came "Be Near Me." It was so special to hear her singing along to a prayer that has such meaning for our family.

VIDEO: Ellie Sings "Be Near Me Lord Jesus" (Again, just a black picture!)
***If you cannot play the above video, click here to watch it on YouTube***

She is one special little girl and I am so proud of her.

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