He couldn't get to sleep in his bed, but as soon as I picked him up he got the sleepy eyes and before I knew it, he was asleep in my arms for the first time since he was teeny tiny. I ended up laying in the bed and dozing with him for some time, and it was so special to me. He has never been one to cuddle while sleeping so I really treasured that.

And, then he was rested to be back up to his old tricks. In this case, he's climbing up/onto/through a table to get at an electrical outlet. Just another day at the office.
Ellie and Papa playing piano
Thankfully, Sunday went much better. We started the morning off by visiting Toni, and Gramz, Ronnie and Charlie joined us. Both Toni and Gramz were ill when we were down in March, so this was the first we were able to see them since Christmas. It was good to see them! Ellie was a bit shy, but E.J. was his usual charming self.
Ellie standing outside of Toni's room
Games with Gramz!
Kisses from his Nonnie
After our visit we went to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast with Ronnie and Charlie. After we ate, the big kids had a great time running all over the place and playing together!
Charlie and Ellie
She sneak-attack hugged him!
Brothers and babes
After breakfast we went back to my dad's house, where we enjoyed a quick play session....
Playing with Papa
...before E.J. went down for a nap (which he actually took!), and the rest of us donned our swimsuits and hit the pool.
Pool party!
That is a happy girl!
Ellie had an absolute blast in the pool. We all did, actually! We all took turns on "Ellie duty" and had a great time swimming, playing with the pool bubbles, floating on Papa's raft and making waves.
Pool fun time
Ellie and Eric
Taking a break from the pool to run through the sprinkler!
Happy little fish!
We took a break from the water to grill some hot dogs and hamburgers ("Papa made fire!" says Ellie) and enjoy a nice picnic lunch outside.
Lunch is served!
E.J. woke up while we were eating our lunch (two-hour nap WHAT), and we got him suited up and brought him out to join the fun.
Rocking a Memorial Day-appropriate hat
Welcome to the pool, E.J.!
Swimming with my boy!
The weather started to turn gray and drizzly at just the right time, as we were ready to wrap things up anyway. We went inside and it was naptime for Ellie, while Eric, E.J. and I went out to kill some time at the mall. The rest of the evening was spent playing at Papa's house before calling it a night.
We brought E.J.'s walker home with us so he could really cover some distance in a bigger house
Reading with Ellie before bed
And that was it! We left for our return to Jacksonville the next morning, and the rest of our Memorial Day was spent pretty quietly around our home. It was a quick but really nice visit!