Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day, my friends! I hope you are enjoying your day while remembering the sacrifice so many men and women have made (and continue to make) for our country. I so greatly admire these people and their families who go through so much for the sake of our nation. As always, I'm thinking of one of my favorite veterans, my grandfather:

George Baird, USMC Guadalcanal

As always, NYC is a great place to be over Memorial Day, what with all the Fleet Week festivities. Ellie got her first taste of Fleet Week fun on Wednesday, when we caught a little bit of the Parade of Ships on the Hudson River and several military plane flyovers. Maybe next year I'll take her into the city and teach her how to check out all the sailors roaming around town, but for now we'll just take it one thing at a time.

It was a hazy day so everything is gray, but there is a big ship passing by the Empire State Building

Ellie at the Parade of Ships

One of the flyovers...

...which left a trail of blue-looking smoke in its wake

Thanks to all members of our military for all you do for us!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Great pictures :-)