I thought I would look back on our year in 2009 in the same way I looked back at 2008: go back through pictures, put together a slideshow, reflect on where we've been and the things we've done, and how our lives have changed. To be honest, I did not expect to have much to dwell on. Before I started looking through our pictures from the past year, I thought, "sure, we did some fun things this year, but it certainly wasn't as big of a year as 2008." And it is true that in terms of big life changes, we have had a slower year. In 2008, Eric graduated law school. We moved to New York. I was preparing for grad school (booo!). This year has not brought nearly the changes that 2008 gave us. But, as I looked back, what a year 2009 has been! We have been to some incredible places, celebrated some wonderful things, and spent time with friends and family that we love so much.
Some of the highlights that I hope to always remember when I think back to 2009 include:
- Ringing in the New Year in Times Square
- Seeing the Florida Gators win the National Championship in person
- Eric being sworn in to the New York Bar
- Moving to a new apartment with an amazing view
- Kristina and Frankie's wedding in Florida
- Entertaining all of our many, many visitors
- Eric going to the U.S. Open
- The Hot Dog Eating Contest at Coney Island on the Fourth of July
- Our trip to Hungary and Scotland
- Jacob and Zita's wedding in Hungary
- Eric playing the Old Course
- Jacob and Zita's reception in Illinois
- Eric running the NY Half Marathon
- Celebrating our second wedding anniversary
- Kim and Matt's wedding in New Jersey
- Helping Molly shop for her wedding dress
- The Gala at the Plaza
- Halloween in the Village, and our Dexter costumes
- Our time spent in Florida with family
- The Macy's Thanksgiving Parade...again
- Beautiful, beautiful New York City, both at Christmas and all year round.
A look back at 2009, set to the lovely sounds of Straight No Chaser
As for my hopes for the New Year, I am praying for a number of things to come in 2010. I'm praying for health and happiness for our friends and family, and in particular, for continued healing for Toni and peace for the family. I'm praying for gratitude for what we have and for each other. I'm praying for guidance as we continue on God's path for us. I'm giving thanks for my husband, my family, my home, and my health.
I am so thankful for the incredible year we have had, and am looking forward to seeing what 2010 will bring for our family.
I wish you all nothing but the best in the new year. Thank you so much for spending another year reading my words and following our life here. May 2010 bring you all the happiness in the world.
Signing off for 2009,