Sunday, March 3, 2013


In flipping back through pictures the other day I came across this one that I snapped with my iPhone when we were on our way home from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Balloon Inflation. Ellie was not quite nine months old and quite overtired from all the balloon fun we had just had. She was a pretty unhappy camper (see here), but we sat down on the subway and Eric sang her to sleep - a rare feat indeed. The two of them were just so sweet: her sleeping so peacefully at last, right there in the corner of a noisy, crowded subway car, as Eric sang quietly under his breath. My heart could hardly take it, and I got those same warm fuzzies when I rediscovered this photo this week.

Oh, my loves!


Nichole @ said...

so, so SWEET

jessica said...

My heart just exploded :)

Daddies and their girls is quite possibly my favorite thing ever.