Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mixed Emotions

Lately I've really been going back and forth between being super excited to move to New York, and super sad to leave DC. Don't get me wrong, I really am incredibly excited about this upcoming move. I have wanted to live in New York for years now, and I'm so glad I'll finally get that chance. I'm so proud of Eric for his job, I can't wait to live in our new apartment, and I know that New York has so much to offer us. I really think it will be a blast and can't wait to be there!

On the other hand, I'm really kind of bummed to be leaving DC. The last time I made a big out-of-state move (from Gainesville to DC), I really felt ready to go. I had gotten everything out of Gainesville that I possibly could and was ready to leave it behind and start the next chapter of my life. I think my problem now is that I'm not sure I've gotten everything out of DC yet. I feel like there's still so much to see and do here. Somehow, the last three years have flown by and all the things I kept putting off aren't going to get done now, because there isn't time.

I think a big catalyst for these mixed emotions has been the realization that I'm leaving my job. I had hoped that I might be able to continue to work for my boss from New York (much of what I do can be done long-distance), but it's looking less and less like that will happen to the extent that I was hoping, and that makes me sad. We took on an intern this summer, and it seems she will be taking over for me when I go, and I'm already starting to sort of phase myself out. I kind of expected that it would turn out this way, but it still is really sad to train someone to take over a job that you don't want to leave. I love my boss, I love the work that I do, I love my office, I love our clients. I really hate to leave it all behind. I'm trying to tell myself that this is for the best...perhaps by forcing myself to find something new, I will find an even better opportunity than what I have now. I hope that's the truth!

Plus, I just really like it here, and that's the bottom line. I love our apartment. I love our neighborhood. I love living among these monuments and beautiful sites and all these DC people. I can't imagine not being able to go walk the monuments if the mood strikes, or spend an afternoon shopping in Old Town Alexandria. I just really, really like it here. And I don't feel ready to go, at least not like I did when I left Gainesville.

I almost didn't write this post because I definitely don't want to give off the impression that I am not happy about moving to New York, but I felt that I should share all aspects of this life change, not just the happy parts. I really can't express how excited I really am to be a New Yorker...like I said, I've wanted to live there for years and am so glad that I'll finally have the chance to do so. I know it's going to be so much fun, and I can't wait for it to be August so we can get up there! It will be really, really great. But for now, it's just a little bittersweet for me.

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