Friday, May 2, 2008

Round 2 is Next


They (finally) beat out the Wizards to win the first round of the playoffs. And handily, I might add. Aaaah, sweet justice after our most recent Wizards experience! Three years in a row, the Cavs have beaten the Wizards in DC in Round 1. I wish we had been there tonight, but I'm still pretty excited. Here's hoping they can go all the way.

In other very exciting news, Heather and Molly are coming to visit this weekend! They arrive tomorrow around noon, and we are all very much looking forward to a weekend of DC fun, cousin/sister bonding, and lots o' wine. Hooray!

1 comment:

Eric said...

Posts about sports - 3
Posts about family - 1
Thoughts, anyone???

p.s. I love that you are family and that we can share so many sports!