Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sayonara, Sister: The Sequel

Today Heather is leaving to go back to Japan for another contract at Tokyo Disney. I felt the need to mark the day, even though I have been largely in denial about it. Thinking about being without Heather for an extended period of time again makes me cry, so it's best just to pretend it's not happening. Denial is the best medicine!

But, as I sat down to face reality and write a farewell post to Heather, I went back to see what I wrote the last time she left for Japan, and basically, DITTO. To all of it. Ditto to the pride I feel as her sister, to the understanding about why she should go, to the being jealous of her exciting life, to the amazement at her talent, to the sadness and the missing and the "my best friend is moving to the other side of the world, now what do I doooooo" stuff. Ditto to everything.

I feel like it's tough this time too because it feels open-ended. When Heather left the first time, I thought it was only for seven months. But, silly me didn't factor in her awesomeness and that her employers would love her (DUH) and extend her contract again and then again (and then again, even though she declined the last time in favor of coming home for six months). So what started out as seven months quickly ballooned into a year and a half and I can't say that I loved it, even though I know she was having an amazing time and frankly, if I were her, I would've done the exact same thing.

Now, she has been back home for six months. I have seen her at least once a month since she came back. The kids have gotten to know her and adore her (EJ was even asking for her randomly in Publix the other day!). I've even been thrilled just to be able to text her in the same time zone again! That 14-hour time difference is for the birds.

So it's tough to say goodbye to her again, not knowing for sure when I'll see her again. I know that's just part of the industry she's in, and I'm so grateful that she has this wonderful opportunity to see the world and do what she loves. She's truly an incredible talent and she deserves an awesome opportunity like this. I'm glad she's able to take advantage of it.

But I'll miss my friend. I'll miss seeing her and talking with her about all the trivial and significant things we manage to hit on over a bottle of wine. I'll miss watching her play with my kids and seeing their eyes light up when I tell them they're going to see her. I'll miss watching her perform. I'll miss texting her all throughout the day. I'll miss knowing that she'll be there when I go home. I'm lucky to have a sister like Heather. Unfortunately, that's what makes goodbyes so hard.

But goodbyes are necessary in this case. So, Heather, go forth and enjoy! Safe travels, and may your jetlag be brief and manageable. Best wishes for the new show; I know you'll be amazing. Eat all the sushi and do all the cool things. I'm proud of you and I love you and I can't wait to see you again, whenever that may be. You're the best.

Sisters - February 2016

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