Thursday, February 11, 2010

So Long, Farewell...

...auf wiedersehen, good bye!

Ha. Had to do it.

Anyway, I'm out! I've had a great few days in FL, but now it's time to continue my journey south.

I'm coming, ship!

Just for a quick recap, I arrived in Florida as scheduled around 7pm on Tuesday. Kelley and Susan picked me up at the airport (complete with a sign as if they were my limo waiting for me), then we had a nice dinner at Chili's with Gramz. On Wednesday I spent the day running errands (helloooo, Target, how I've missed you). My purchase, by the way, included two big bottles of SPF 45 sunblock, two underwater cameras, and ginger tablets for motion sickness. Think anyone could guess where I was going? Wednesday night I met up with some friends for wine, pizza, and girl time. Great fun!

With my friends Kristina and Lauren

Today was my big visiting day - my dad and I went up for a nice visit with my grandmother this morning, then I met up with Kelley and Susan at their house and we went from there to visit Toni. I must say, Toni is AWESOME. It was so incredible to see the difference since I was home in November. Back then, we could barely get her to open her eyes before Eric and I had to leave. Now, when I arrived and looked in her room from the hallway, she was in there smiling and waving us in. Incredible. You can see so much of her personality shining through, which is so fantastic. I pray she continues to make such progress but am so grateful for how far she's already come.

After visiting Toni, Kelley, Susan and I met up with Gramz for another dinner together at Smokey Bones, then they drove me home. I'm so grateful for their willingness to chauffeur me around this week! They're good people.

Now, tomorrow morning, my dad and I are leaving at 5 a.m. to make the drive down to Ft. Lauderdale. We're hoping to arrive around 9:00 so we have plenty of time to visit with Heather before she and I board the ship for our fun two weeks! I can hardly wait.

Oh, and as a side note, NYC did in fact get quite a snowstorm yesterday, and the flight I was originally scheduled on was, in fact, cancelled. So, getting on an earlier flight was a good call!

Enjoy the next couple of weeks, everyone!

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