Friday, August 1, 2008

So, Apparently We're Really Moving

Wow. Now that the bar exam is over with, it has really hit me that we're moving. The whole moving process is starting all of a sudden, and I feel kind of caught off guard by it. I mean, of course I knew we were moving. But, I sort of felt like there would be more time between the bar and the move than there actually is.

Today is my last day at work. I'm pretty much just tying up loose ends and cleaning out my desk. My boss still contends that she wants me to keep working from her on a case-by-case basis long-distance, so hopefully that works out, but I'm not getting my hopes up. And regardless, it's strange to be leaving my office. As soon as I leave today, Eric and I will be starting a whole month and a half of no work, no school, no tests, nothing but each other and hopefully lots of fun! I'm glad for that, but I'm sad to leave my job. It was a really amazing experience. I got to work on a lot of really interesting cases with a lot of really great people, and I learned so much. I'll be lucky if I'm able to find a job half as good as this one when we get to New York.

We also finally got confirmed move-out date from the moving company: August 7th. Yes, that's less than a week from now. Holy cow, you say? Yes, that's pretty much what I said too. Again, for some reason, I felt like Eric and I had more time before the move after he finished the bar. So, we'll really have to buckle down over the next 6 days to prepare. The movers will pack everything for us (thank GOODNESS), but we still need to sort through things to make sure we're not moving anything that we really don't want or need anymore. We also need to get ourselves organized, because all of our stuff is going to NYC but we're not going there yet...we've got Florida and the Caymans to visit first! So we need to figure out what stuff is coming with us and what stuff will be meeting us in the Big Apple.

I feel a need for lists coming on. I'm a compulsive list maker. I'm not above making lists of lists that need to be made. I'm also not above writing things I've already done on a list just so I can cross them off. There's just so much for us to get figured out before we go, I need to write things down. I need lists of things to take to Florida, lists of things to do before we leave DC, things to do to prepare for our arrival in NYC, etc, etc. Yup, it's list time.

Something else we'll need to figure out is what to do with ourselves once all of our stuff leaves DC. It won't be arriving in NYC until the following week, and we can't leave DC until our stuff gets to NYC because one of us has to be able to go up to our new place to get our keys and let the movers in. The other one of us will stay in DC with the dog until the NYC person gets back. THEN we can all load up into our car and make the trip to Florida. But, until our stuff arrives in NY, we're stuck in DC for a few days, without any of our stuff. No bed. No dining room table. No dishes. No TV. Limited food. No pillows. You get the picture. So, what are we going to do with our time? Where will we sleep? What will we eat? So much to get taken care of. 

So, stay tuned for updates over the coming weeks! I'm optimistic that no matter how hectic things get, I'll find the time to keep everyone posted about what's going on for us. Wish us luck!

And P.S....Happy 86th Birthday to my Gramps!

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