Thursday, April 24, 2008

No More School, No More Books (kind of)


Today is officially Eric's last day of law school classes. Granted, there's still finals and the bar exam to go before school is completely over, but I would say this is still a very large milestone. Eric has worked so hard over the last three years, and I'm so very proud of him.

As law school draws to a close I keep thinking back over the past three years and how far Eric and I have come since then, both individually and as a couple. Three years ago at this time, Eric was getting ready to graduate from UF. He was not even sure yet where he would be going for law school. I was still planning to go to NYC for grad school, so we did not know what the future held for our relationship. We didn't know what we wanted to do, what to focus our graduate studies on, or what our future careers might be. Just three years later, Eric is graduating and will be practicing corporate law in NYC. I found something I love to do in jury consulting and am very much looking forward to a career in that field. Best of all, our relationship has continued to stand the test of time and now we have a long and happy marriage to look forward to. It is reassuring to me to look back and realize that so many of my questions about our future from three years ago were all answered, so perfectly and in their own time. I wonder what the next three years will bring for us?

Eric, I am so proud of you for all of your hard work. If you are even a fraction as good of a lawyer as you are a husband, you'll be an amazing success. I love you very much! Congratulations!

Eric and I at his UF Graduation, May 2005

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am quite proud of my brother too!

Love you guys!!!