Thursday, November 1, 2012


Well friends, I'm here checking in to say, yes, we're alive, we weathered Hurricane Sandy and are all accounted for. However, my last two blog posts went up through the magic of post scheduling (and my smart idea to write my posts before the storm hit) because we have been without power since about 9:30 on Monday night. This post is being brought to you via spotty cell phone service, typed on a phone that only has any charge because of the kindness of neighbors who didn't lose power sticking power strips out their windows for the less fortunate to charge their electronics.

However, we are otherwise fine. Parts of Hoboken did not fare so well, and suffered extreme flooding and damage. From what I gather from the concerned texts/emails/calls/Facebook messages from friends and family, that part of Hoboken has been all over the news. Luckily, although we are only a few blocks from there, we are on high ground and didn't suffer any flood damage. Our only problem is our power loss. The electric company has given November 5 as a likely latest restoration estimate, but time will tell. In the meantime we're hunkered down with fleece pajamas and candlelight.

Although we've tried to keep our troubles in perspective, three days (and counting) without power does give way to some occasional complaining. We can't help but laugh at ourselves, however, when we take a second to notice how "first world" our complaints really are. Because there is little else to do for entertainment with no power and only about 10 hours of usable daylight each day, I took to writing these things down. And so, I give you our First World Blackout Problems:

- All my candles are different scents. Too many aromas!

- Thanks to the aforementioned candles, my house smells like an assortment of baked goods. Yet, I cannot bake any goods.

- We're not getting great cell phone service, so I have to stand by the window when I want to check Facebook.

- Our running water is too cold.

- I'm tired of eating all this peanut butter. I need more variety.

- The line at the one open pizza place is too long.

- 24 hours in, my beer is not as cold as I would like it.

- I forgot to flat iron my hair before the power went out, so now my hair will be frizzy and curly indefinitely.

- My DVR can't record any of my shows. Now I'll have to watch them on the Internet later.

As you can see, it's likely we'll pull through and come out of this thing alive. More seriously, we continue to pray for healing and recovery for our neighbors who have lost and endured so much more than we have.

I'll be back when we have power again (hopefully next week!) and when I'm done, you know, soaking in a hot bath in a fully lit bathroom (nary a candle in sight!) while talking on my fully charged cell phone and surfing the Internet till the cows come home as my dinner cooks its heart out on the stove. In the meantime, enjoy your weekend, my friends. Turn on a light switch for me!


Meghan said...

I am so glad you guys are ok! I've been thinking about you. It sounds like you've really put it all into perspective:) Hang in there!

jessica said...

So so happy that y'all are ok! I can only imagine how antsy you must feel! But as long as you're safe and with your family (and have a sense of humor about it all :), you'll be ok!

Lauren said...

So glad you guys are doing OK, sorry about being powerless hope that it gets fixed SOON! The beer is def a problem ;-)