Me: Meghan W.

I'm originally from Cleveland, Ohio, but moved to Florida with my family when I was 12 years old. I went to the University of Florida and definitely think it's great to be a Florida Gator. I work as a jury consultant, which I find very enjoyable. I love: my husband, the beach, juries, Gator football, murder mysteries, mint chocolate chip ice cream, Chipotle, music, my family, a fair amount of bad TV, photo albums, summer, Cleveland sports, bubble baths, lilacs, and spoiling my dog (we'll get to him in a minute). I dislike: confrontation, inconsiderate people, cold weather with no snow, meatloaf, driving, feet, watching golf (sorry, Eric), rude tourists, not having a plan, and mushrooms.
My husband: Eric W.

Eric is a native Floridian, which means he loves hot, humid weather. Seriously, he even enjoys a hot car after it's been sitting in the sun with the windows up. It's weird. Eric is also a Gator, and now is finishing up law school at Georgetown. His NYC job offer is the reason for our move, and I'm very proud of him for it. Eric loves: his wife (or so he says), baseball, Fantasy sports, McDonald's double cheeseburgers (best value in fast food, he'll tell you), sweet tea, his family, the Rays, playing devil's advocate, financial stuff like economics and stocks and the like, Ronald Reagan, playing football in the rain, tulips, running, clementines, the Wii, cooking, and golf. He dislikes: the bar exam, poor logic, mayonnaise, sticky hair-gel hands, wearing pants and real shoes (he prefers shorts and sandals), pie, and smoking. And did I mention that I adore him? Because I do.
The dog: Achilles

Achilles is a 4-year-old Chihuahua mix. We adopted him from a shelter in Gainesville, FL when he was a year old, and going by the name of "Tyson." We renamed him Achilles, which went straight to his head - being named after a mythological warrior seems to have made him think he's much bigger than he is. He has his issues, but overall he's really a great dog. Achilles loves: excessive licking, bones, his stuffed squeaky frog, cuddling in the morning, walks, Einstein Bros. dog bagels, playing hide and seek, apples, and sleeping on piles of clothes. He dislikes: baths, tall grass, having his nails clipped, the vacuum, being left alone, wet paws, long car trips, and wearing shirts with sleeves.
So, that's the W. clan! For those of you who already know us - did you know everything listed here? Was anything a surprise to you?
Well, I knew most everything, but I was a little disappointed at how low on the list the family was in what you like (!), and tell Eric that McDonalds double cheeseburgers may be the best fast food value, but they're eventually going to kill him!! :-)
Just poking fun...
Give that little Achilles a big hug from his grandma!
Love you guys!
Ha, perhaps I should add a disclaimer - our "likes" and "dislikes" lists are in no particular order!
And excuse me, why the smiley face after the Eric's death-by-cheeseburgers comment? Are you trying to kill off my husband??? I've got my eye on you...
Uh-oh! No, I'm not trying to kill off your husband. Just a little friendly banter!!
You can stop watching me now...
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